Thursday, February 18, 2010

kick that box to the curb!

Today was really great and extraordinarily productive for me. i only wish i had got more sleep. this beautiful baby of mine has really been struggling these past few days, teething is a drag! this morning after begging her to sleep just a little bit longer we got up and lazed around. I was surfing the web and reading emails and doing anything i could think of to waste time on the computer when albert sent me a cool idea...get her dressed up, go to the park and take pictures. OKAY! so that i did!
It took me forever to find the right outfit and by the time i did, babygirl decided it was nap time. what great timing, i completely considered laying down with her and enjoying some much needed sleep. But i didn't! instead i took the time to get myself dressed and get a diaper bag ready. i had to wake her up but this mama needed to follow through.

she loves being in the stroller, she soaks it all up. we enjoyed some great mommy daughter time and i got beautiful pictures of her (not to mention 6500 steps and a 1.5 mile walk). when i got home i made an awesome stir fry that had great flavor and low cal too. after i ate a scrumptious dinner i made a new exercise song playlist and took it for a test drive...45 minutes on the elliptical machine then came home and enjoyed a sugar free pudding treat.
Days like this leave me on such a high,its a sense of accomplishing something so important. after taking the pictures today i was going through the memory card and came across pictures of me at christmas. i had a moment... that "wait is that me, i really look like that, its gotta be a bad camera angle, its the did this happen, how did i let myself slip this far, no wonder ive been feeling so bad" moment. it was heartbreaking but today was the perfect day for it.. instead of sitting in self pity i got up and did something about it. so tomorrow im gonna look for the same feeling, i packed myself an awesome lunch and im looking forward to some exercise as well i have been trying to start a new habit of keeping track of my calories on and days like this are so encouraging. i enjoyed really yummy food, stayed within my calorie goal and im completely satisfied (sweet tooth included)

today i stepped out of the box and went for it!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go! I'm so glad you had such an awesome day! I can't wait for days like this! =)
